I have gone so far as to arrange my
belongings and personal life in a manner that others may find restricting.
However, being organized doesn’t mean that things will never get a little
messy, or that things will always go according to your plan, because believe
me, they don’t. Being organized just means that there is a method to the
madness. And perhaps, some of the best organizational tools won’t work well for
you, then try another one. Being organized is all about finding your stride and
mastering techniques that work for you. This blog will guide you through some
simplistic ways to add some organization to your professional and personal
Just the thought of getting to
organize a blog to my specification gives me butterflies. Can you say, nerd?
Don’t judge people. Plus if you happened to visit this page you’re either a
fellow neat freak or a slob desperate for some organization. Just kidding. You
may just be looking for some helpful hints when it comes to getting your personal
and professional matters organized into a cohesive system. But, if you happen
to be a closeted slob, than rest easy, you’ve come to the right place.