Friday, March 13, 2015

Getting Organized in a New Work Environment

Starting a new job can often cause a flood of emotions among young professionals.

There’s stress, excitement, anxiety, nerves and the thrill of success. Before starting a new job there a couple things to keep in mind to stay organized and maneuver the work world. Take some time to observe your new work environment and office politics and then be yourself and start adjusting to your new routine.

The tips below will help to get you and your space organized to prime working conditions.

Clean up your desk
While some people function well with a messy desk, us neat freaks don’t handle that well. But whether you prefer a messy workspace or a tidy workspace it’s still important to set aside some time once a week to put things in order. Taking the time once a week to organize your space will help to keep your papers in order and the tasks at hand under control.

Manage your Time
Time management is an organizational tool that never gets old. Being able to manage your time at work effectively will be noticed by colleagues and superiors and is a sure-fire way to make sure that you’re accomplishing the tasks expected of you.

Establish a Routine
Develop good work habits and put them to use. Though our work days and schedules may vary, developing a habit of sorts will come in handy. And though habits like a consistent lunch-time are a bonus, that’s not the kind of habits I’m talking about.

What I mean by habits, is using the last ten to fifteen minutes of your day to clean up your space and prepare your schedule for tomorrow; or a habit for managing emails and email correspondence. Developing a routine and habits will help to make your workday more successful and a little less stressful. 


  1. Yep, definitely freaking out about finding a job. I feel as though these tips will also shine through one's self, in which the manager will take notice (i.e. clean work environment, good time management skills...etc). I will definitely put these to the test. Thanks for the great post!

  2. Love this post, directly relates to what I wrote this week too. Some really helpful tips Brit!

  3. This is definitely helpful for starting up internships soon, and then finding jobs after that. Thanks for the information! Good read, keep it up

  4. I like to consider myself to be pretty organized, but my guilty secret is that I have a cluttered home office that I lose sleep over! Maybe you can come over and help me?

  5. I'm the opposite of a neat freak, but I can see how keeping things clean comes in handy. I'll definitely be following your steps when internships start!

  6. This is perfectly timed post for starting our internships! Some of us might even be lucky enough to get our own desks, but I'm not counting on it lol! Great post, these are really helpful tips

  7. good tips to keep in mind. I am trying to work on my time management skill right now.

  8. These are some great tips Britt! Thanks for sharing.
