Friday, March 6, 2015

Three Tips to Keep Clutter to a Minimum

This week, I thought it might be helpful to review some of the things that cause clutter. Everyone will have their own ticks that cause a build-up of clutter but for the most part, there are a few commonalities that are agreed on. And hopefully, after being able to recognize the things that make us tick, it will be easier to overcome them. So without further ado, let’s start breaking down a few of the common causes of clutter.

Put things away right away. This goes for mail, groceries, coats, books, new clothes…everything! Everything has a place, so once it goes into your home, apartment, car, wherever, PUT IT AWAY! This is an instant way to assure that chaos in your home is kept    to a minimum.

This one I have mentioned before but I am adamant about it so I’m putting it in writing again. If you haven’t worn it or used it in the last year then get rid of it. If you haven’t used it in a year than chances are it’s just collectingdust in your closet so time to move on.

Get motivated and start organizing. Dive into a project and set realistic goals. Give yourself a reasonable timeline to complete a project. The more progress you make the more pride you will have in the completed project. Motivation is not always easy to find but it’s worthwhile to set goals that are achievable and take pride in a job well done. 


  1. This is a great post! Will defiantly put these tips to good use.

  2. I'd like to say that I avoid clutter but that'd be a blatant lie. Definitely going to give these tips a try.

  3. I need to take all of the advice you're giving on your blog... I try to stay organized, but tend to let things slip every once in a while. Another great post!

  4. Many of the items you mentioned are presently strewn across my bedroom floor. I feel that this blog could really help me.

  5. Great post! I believe in order to get anything accomplished I must work in an organized work station that is neat and tidy!

  6. I totally make to do lists, almost every day! I don't always keep track with them all, but theres something about just getting it written down on paper that makes me feel less stressed about getting all the things accomplished on my list to do!
